
Friday, February 4, 2011

Running Water

This morning I have running water.  I am filled with gratitude when I allow myself to marvel at the simple wonder of the water that comes from the tap.  Today it's easy to be grateful for running water because it's the first morning in three days I've had it. 

In video I posted earlier, "A Good Day," Brother David Steindl-Rast says, "Open your hearts to the incredible gifts that civilization gives us.  You flip a switch and there is electric light.  You turn a faucet and there is warm water and cold water and drinkable water.  It's a gift that millions and millions in the world will never experience."  When I view my life in that way, everywhere I look I can find somthing that I appreciate. 

I love the simplicity of my life, and yet, in the midst of that simplicity is a complex web of technological support systems.  Like the well, pump, and pipes, technology can make my life easier to an extent that I will probably never even fathom.  Technology also brings complications with its gifts.  It's easy to recognize this when I work with my cell phone, facebook page, laptop and other devices.  I think there is a balance for each of us between what supports us and what complicates our lives.  I plan to explore that balance in my life.  Perhaps I'll find new ways to simplify and more things to be grateful for.


  1. Hear Hear! So very true. BTW, the pictures you use are so fitting for your posts. Where do you find them?

  2. Thanks. Mostly, they're microsoft clipart--available if you have licensed use of a microsoft product. The link is

    I have also gotten some photos from flckr, using images that have creative commons licensing. (i love creative commons)!

    Others may be images I purchased through a royalty free site such as Looking up that link I discovered they too, have free images (

    **Just a plug for creative commons, there are also sites with free downloadable music under creative commons licensing. A good way to support musicians you'll never hear on the radio.
