
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Doubt, part 2

Though my family stopped going to formal church when I was about 7 or 8, I have attended plenty of church services in my life and I've heard plenty of sermons on doubt.  The theme of the doubt sermons generally goes like this:
It's natural to have Doubt.  Doubt is given to us by God so that we can come to a deeper understanding of Him.  The natural progression is from Doubt to Certainty.  So be glad of your Doubt and keep your eye on the prize: Deeper Faith.
I can tell you with 100% certainty (ha!), that this train of thought has never been a comfort to me.  It just raises more questions.  When will my doubt be transformed into faith?  How does it get transformed into faith?  What is wrong with me because I haven't gotten my deeper faith yet?  Rather than comforting me, these sermons made me question the fact that my doubt was not transforming into faith.

I realize lots of people share questions about religion and there is nothing particularly special about mine.  But as a child, I didn't know how to deal with my doubts.  I didn't know how to deal with the fact that what I was being told as truth didn't match my experience.  I prayed to God to make me a "good" person and I aspired to be more like Jesus.  Eventually though, I grew to distrust for people who were certain in their faith.  I began to see them at best as simple minded and naive, and at worst, as trying to manipulate and control me.  I have to admit, in spite of myself, in the deep recesses of my psyche grew a gnawing fear that I'd go to hell or at least incur the disapproval of "God" by having this resistance.

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