
Thursday, January 27, 2011

Anger Puzzlement

In How To Be An Adult (a great book, by the way), David Richo says anger "is a signal that something I value is in jeopardy."  I've recently had the opportunity to be around a couple of people I didn't know well who were expressing anger.  In each of the two situations, I had NO idea what could possibly be in jeopardy for them.  Emotionally, I found myself feeling disconnected from their feelings which was actually nice.  On an intellectual level, I was confused about what was going on for them.

I've been pondering anger since, and plan to write more posts about anger and David Richo's take on it.  In the meantime, let me know your thoughts.  All you have to do is click on the link at the bottom of the post that says "__ comments" and write away!


  1. mmm yes interesting topic. What i've observed of anger lately is how contagious it is. How when i interact with an angry stranger, for instance, the angry post offic lady, my instant urge is to retaliate. I rarely do, but then i tell 2 or 3 different people about the incident and how many angry things i could have said back. deep down a little voice says "that person was having a hard time, i hope they can find some peace." but i often override it. When i am around angry people i get really jacked up and flighty, and it consumes my thoughts afterwards, like its something i have to "come down" from.

  2. it's AMAZING isn't it??? the contagion of anger!

    i still haven't read that book "Connected," but am wanting to get to it soon. I'm pretty sure they talk about things like the contagion of anger and how it affects people who don't even have direct contact with the angry person.
