
Sunday, January 16, 2011

A Kindler, Gentler Discourse--Gender Bashing Humor

I'm sure my critics need no additional proof that I have no sense of humor, but I really bristle when I hear gender bashing jokes.  I used to get a lot of email blasts with jokes about men, but a few years ago, I went on a rant about it and managed to get off most of those mailing lists.  (Rants are helpful like that if you can handle the post-rant embarrassment)! 

My rant went something like this:
I don't get why everyone seems to be into gender bashing jokes.  Female comedians tell "men jokes" and male comedians tell "women jokes."  There's all these email blasts going around with the latest one about whichever gender.  I know it's supposed to be funny and all, but it feels like it has an underlying hostility.  Do other women really expect me to bash men just because I'm a woman too?  Hey, it's not like I joined a competitive team when I was born.  I'm all about girl power, but that doesn't mean I like to laugh at things that disparage guys!  And even though I'm pretty good at laughing at myself, honestly it feels pretty crappy to hear women-bashing jokes.  It's like I'm tarred and feathered just because of a gender that I was born into.  Can we all get along? (fyi for the young 'uns, click the link to get the 90s pop culture reference).  I don't know anyone who thinks racial jokes are funny, so why are there all these people who think gender bashing is cool?  We're talking approximately 50% of the world's popluation being put down with any one of these jokes!  50%!!  Come ON!

Ah, that rant felt good.  I know there's plenty to laugh about when it comes to gender differences and it makes for good humor.   Yet I have to think, in this time when people are talking about rhetoric, hateful discourse and the possibility of being more civil, maybe we could look inward when it comes to gender based humor.  I think it'd be a better world if resentment, bitterness, or dashed expectations weren't the motivation behind telling a joke about the other gender.  Let's center our gender based humor in celebration and love, not diviseness and condemnation!


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